PHOTOS: Cathy Hughes 2016 keynote speaker Women of Color Empowerment Conference
Women of Color Empowerment Conference
Women of Color Empowerment Conference is so important to building relationships within the sisterhood. Every year, it helps you break down those erroneous notions that we can’t form partnerships, do business with each other and be good for each other – Cathy Hughes
The Women of Color Empowerment Institute has hosted many luminaries that spark professional relationships to form and grow. Though it started out representing South Florida women, 2019 marks the ninth year of the Women Of Color Empowerment Conference. Attendance keeps growing in terms of attendees and the stature of national speakers. Given the extra attractions of Fort Lauderdale, it’s a no-brainer decision to attend. It has drawn federal leaders from around the nation, as well as state and local leaders. The conference has been featured on CNN and C-Span.
Past speakers have included Cathy Hughes of Radio One; Xenon Clayton, the founder of the Trumpet Awards; famous crisis manager and inspiration for the TV show Scandal, Judy Smith; Tamron Hall, TV program host, Paula Madison, founder of the Africa Channel; Joy Reid of MSNBC; Congresswoman Donna Edwards; Judge Glenda Hatchett, Gina Paige, founder of African Ancestry; Florida Supreme Court Justice Peggy Quince; and Federal Court Judge J. Michelle Childs, to name a few.
Past conferences have included panel discussions comprised of female corporate executives, news anchors, election experts, technology experts, and legal scholars. This year, the conference will focus on educating and motivating dynamic Women of Color to lead organizations, effectively engage communities and take full advantage of commercial technology today.

Speakers for 2017 included SIRIUS XM Radio Host, Karen Hunter; Angela Rye, Principal, and CEO of IMPACT Strategies and Police Chief Delma K. Noel-Pratt of Miami Gardens. Unfortunately, Hurricane Irma prevented Congresswomen Maxine Waters from attending the rescheduled event. The line-up did include additional recognized technology experts, financial experts, college presidents, corporate executives, and other recognized women in leadership. Vendor booths had a larger presence than in past conferences, as well.
You may be interested in knowing that the Women of Color Empowerment Institute has a mentorship program focused on leadership development for young professionals. There will be a graduation ceremony Saturday, during our 4 pm reception. You’ll have the opportunity to grab a copy of their publication called Women Lead.
Visit for more information about the Women of Color Empowerment Institute, Inc.

Women Of Color Empowerment Conference panelists