Mary J Blige performing at Cincinnati MusicFest
National Calendar of Events
2024 Black College Football Classics
Bill Pickett Rodeo Series
Feb 15, 2025; Denver, CO; http://www.billpickettrodeo.com
AfrobeatsFEST 757
February 2025; Norfolk, VA; https://taca757.org/afrobeats-fest-757
Gullah Celebration
February 2025; Hilton Head, SC; https://www.gullahcelebration.org
Mardi Gras San Francisco Style
TBD; San Francisco, CA; Mardi Gras San Francisco Style/
Universoul Circus
TBD; Greenville, SC; https://www.universoulcircus.com
National Brotherhood of Skiers Soul on Snow
Feb 22-Feb 25, 2025; Keystone, CO; https://www.nbs.org
Pan African Film & Arts Festival
Feb 4-17, 2025; Culver City & Los Angeles, CA; https://www.paff.org
NBA 2024 All-Star Game
Feb 16, 2025; San Francisco, CA; https://www.nba.com/allstar/2024
Healdsburg Jazz Festival
Jan 30-Feb 2, 2025; Healdsburg, CA; https://healdsburgjazz.org
International Pretty Brown Girl Day
4th Saturday of February, 2025; Detroit and various cities; https://prettybrowngirl.com
Universoul Circus
TBD; Miami, FL; https://www.universoulcircus.com
Black Enterprise Women of Power Summit
March 5-8, 2025; Las Vegas, NV; https://www.blackenterprise.com/wps
Black-Out Weekend Ski Event
March 6-9, 2025; Lake Tahoe, NV/CA; https://blackoutweekend.com
Jazz In The Gardens Festival
March 8-9, 2025; Miami Gardens, FL; https://www.jazzinthegardens.com
Universoul Circus
TBD; Tampa, FL; https://www.universoulcircus.com/
National Society of Black Engineers Convention
March 5-9, 2025; Chicago, IL; https://www.nsbe.org
Baltimore Natural Hair Care Expo
TBD; Baltimore, MD; https://naturalhaircareexpo.com
National Association of Black Social Workers Conference
April 15-19, 2025; Richmond, VA; https://www.nabsw.org
Universoul Circus
TBD; Jacksonville, FL; https://www.universoulcircus.com/
National Forum for Black Public Administrators
April 9-13, 2025; https://www.nfbpa.org
Charlotte Jazz Festival
April 9-15, 2025; Charlotte, NC; https://www.blumenthalarts.org/charlotte-jazz-festival/
Bill Picket Rodeo Series
TBD; Memphis, TN; https://billpickettrodeo.com
Berks Jazz Festival
April 4-13, 2025; Reading, PA; http://www.berksjazzfest.com
San Francisco International Film Festival
April 17-27, 2025; San Francisco, CA; https://sffilm.org/sffilm-festival
New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival
April 24-May 4, 2025; New Orleans, LA; https://www.nojazzfest.com
St. Lucia Jazz & Arts Festival
April 30-May 11, 2025; St. Lucia; https://www.saintluciajazzandartsfestival.com
St. Lucia Jazz & Arts Festival
April 30-May 11; St. Lucia; https://www.stlucia.org/en/jazzoffers/
New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival
April 24-May 4, 2025; New Orleans, LA; https://www.nojazzfest.com
Beale Street Music Festival
Various dates in May; Memphis, TN; https://www.memphisinmay.org
Universoul Circus
TBD; Charlotte, NC; https://www.universoulcircus.com/
Barbados Gospelfest
May 25-Jun 1, 2025; Barbados; https://www.barbadosgospelfest.com
Sweet Auburn Springfest
May 10-11, 2025; Atlanta, GA, https://www.sweetauburn.com
Universoul Circus
TBD; Atlanta, GA; https://www.universoulcircus.com/
Black Enterprise Disruptor Summit
TBD; Atlanta, GA; https://www.blackenterprise.com/beevents/
Bill Pickett Rodeo Series
May 17, 2025; Memphis, TN; http://www.billpickettrodeo.com
Umoja Festival Portsmouth
TBD; Portsmouth, VA; https://umojafestportsmouth.com
Original Gullah Festival Celebration
TBD; Beaufort, SC; https://www.originalgullahfestival.org
TBD; Brooklyn, NY; https://www.bam.org
Cancun Jumpoff
TBD; Cancun, Mexico; https://cancunjumpoff.com
Bayou Bon Vivant
TBD; Norfolk, VA; https://festevents.org/events/
Atlanta Jazz Festival
TBD; Atlanta, GA; https://atljazzfest.com
Umoja Family Festival
TBD; Seattle, WA; http://umojafestnw.com
Real Men Cook
June 15, 2025; Chicago; https://realmencharitiesinc.org/events/
Brooklyn Film Festival
TBD; Brooklyn, NY; https://www.brooklynfilmfestival.org
Barbados Gospelfest
TBD; Barbados; https://www.barbadosgospelfest.com
Chicago Gospel Music Festival
TBD; Chicago, IL, Link
Bronner Brothers International Beauty Show
TBD; Atlanta, GA; https://bronnerbros.com
Capital Jazz Fest
TBD; Columbia, MD; https://www.capitaljazz.com/fest/
Bill Pickett Rodeo Series
6-14-25; Oakland, CA; http://www.billpickettrodeo.com
National Association of Black Accountants Convention
TBD; https://nabainc.org/events
Chicago Blues Festival
TBD; Chicago, IL; https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/dca/supp_info/chicago_blues_festival.html
American Black Film Festival
TBD; Miami Beach, FL; https://www.abff.com/miami/
San Francisco Black Film Festival
TBD; San Francisco, CA; https://www.sfbff.org/events
BET Experience
TBD; Los Angeles, CA; https://www.bet.com/bet-experience
Universoul Circus
TBD; Houston, TX; https://www.universoulcircus.com
Juneteenth Celebrations
Juneteenth; Various Cities, https://www.juneteenth.com
Juneteenth Pittsburgh
TBD; Pittsburgh, PA; https://www.wpajunteenth.com
Hyde Park SummerFest
TBD; Chicago, IL; https://hydeparksummerfest.com
Congressional Black Caucus Scholarship Classic
TBD; CBC Conference weblink
Baltimore African American Festival
TBD; Baltimore, MD; https://aframbaltimore.com
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Grand Conclave
TBD; http://www.opp-ga.org/
Indiana Black Expo Summer Celebration
TBD; Indianapolis, IN; https://summercelebration.net

Gerald Albright jamming at Cincinnati MusicFest 2023; (c) Berrywise Enterprise
National Bar Association Annual Convention
TBD; https://nationalbar.org/events/
Essence Music Festival
TBD; New Orleans, LA; https://www.essence.com
Phi Beta Sigma Dare To Believe Empowerment
TBD; Indianapolis, IN; https://phibetasigma1914.org/
Cincinnati Music Festival
TBD; PayCor Stadium hosts one of the nation’s largest black music festivals; past performers include the biggest names in Soul Music
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Grand Boule
TBD; Indianapolis, IN; http://zphib1920.org/events/
Alpha Phi Alpha Constitutional Convention
TBD; Chicago, IL; https://my.apa1906.net/
Fillmore Jazz Festival
TBD; San Francisco, CA; http://www.fillmorestreetjazzfest.com
Bill Pickett Rodeo Series
TBD; Hayward, CA; http://www.billpickettrodeo.com
NAACP Annual Convention
TBD; Las Vegas, NV; https://www.naacp.org
Bill Picket Rodeo Series
TBD; Los Angeles, CA; http://www.billpickettrodeo.com
Reggae Sumfest
TBD; Montego Bay, Jamaica; https://www.reggaesumfest.com
National Dental Association Annual Convention
TBD; Las Vegas, NV; https://www.ndaonline.org
National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice Conference
TBD; New Orleans, LA; http://www.nabcj.org
International Hotel Ownership & Investment Summit
TBD; Miami Beach, FL; http://www.nabhood.net
ATA National Championships
TBD; Orlando, FL; https://www.yourata.org/national-championships/
Art & Soul Festival
TBD; Oakland, CA; https://www.artandsouloakland.com
Universoul Circus
TBD; National Harbor, MD; http://www.universoulcircus.com
National Urban League Conference
TBD; New Orleans, LA; https://nul.org/events
Association of African American Museums Conference
TBD; Baltimore, MD; https://blackmuseums.org
Taste of Louisiana Festival
TBD; Houston, TX; https://www.thetasteoflouisiana.com
National Black Nurses Convention
TBD; San Francisco, CA; https://www.nbna.org/
National Black Theatre Bi-Annual Festival
TBD; Winston-Salem, NC; https://ncblackrep.org/
Black Data Processing Association Convention
TBD; Atlanta, GA; https://www.bdpa.org/
National Medical Association Annual Convention
TBD; New York, NY; https://www.nmanet.org/
Houston International Jazz Festival
TBD; Houston, TX; https://www.jazzeducation.org
Sundiata Festival
TBD; Seattle, WA; http://www.festivalsundiata.org
Caribana Weekend
TBD; Toronto, Canada; https://www.caribanatoronto.com
National Sales Network Convention
TBD; Dallas, TX; https://www.salesnetwork.org
Martha’s Vineyard African American Film Festival
TBD; Vineyard Haven and Oaks Bluff, MA; https://www.mvaaff.com
Bill Picket Rodeo Series
8-16-25; Los Angeles, CA; http://www.billpickettrodeo.com
Black Data Processing Association Convention
TBD; Atlanta, GA; https://www.bdpa.org/
Satchmo Summerfest
TBD; New Orleans, LA; https://satchmosummerfest.org
National Association of Black Journalists Convention
TBD; Birmingham, AL; https://www.nabjnahjconvention.com
Norfolk Jazz Festival
TBD; Norfolk, VA; https://www.visitnorfolk.com/norfolk-waterfront-jazz-festival/
Long Beach Jazz Festival
TBD; Long Beach, CA; http://longbeachjazzfestival.com
Chicago Jazz Festival
TBD; Chicago, IL; http://www.chicagojazzfestival.us
West Indian American Carnival
TBD; Brooklyn, NY; https://wiadcacarnival.org
Africana Virginia Beach Funkfest
TBD; Virginia Beach, VA; https://africanavirginiabeach.com
John Coltrane Jazz & Blues Festival
TBD, Greensboro, NC; https://coltranejazzfest.com
Universoul Circus
TBD; Dallas, TX; https://www.universoulcircus.com/
Taste of Chicago
TBD; Chicago, IL; https://www.choosechicago.com
Universoul Circus
TBD; Chicago, IL; https://www.universoulcircus.com/
Monterey Jazz Festival
TBD; Monterey, CA; https://montereyjazzfestival.org
African American Street Festival
TBD; Nashville, TN; https://www.africanstreetfestival.com/
Bill Picket Rodeo Series
TBD; Washington, DC; http://www.billpickettrodeo.com
National Women Of Color Empowerment Conference
TBD; Fort Lauderdale, FL; https://www.nationalwomenofcolor.com
National Black MBA Association Conference
TBD; Washington, DC; https://nbmbaa.org/conference/
Silicon Valley African Film Festival
TBD; San Jose, CA, https://svaff.org
National Black Arts Festival Festival Under The Stars
TBD; Atlanta, GA; https://nbaf.org/horizon-awards/
Taste of Soul Festival
TBD; Los Angeles, CA, https://tasteofsoul.org
Universoul Circus
TBD; Chicago, IL; https://www.universoulcircus.com/
Hatitude Cultural Flair
TBD; Winter Park, FL; https://zorafestival.org
Universoul Circus
TBD; Cleveland, OH; https://www.universoulcircus.com/
Black Men Xcel
TBD; https://www.blackenterprise.com/beevents/
TBD; Los Angeles, CA; https://adcolor.org
Universoul Circus
TBD; Cleveland, OH; https://www.universoulcircus.com/
TBD; Detroit, MI; https://www.universoulcircus.com/
Universoul Circus
11/28/24-12/08/24; Detroit, MI; https://www.universoulcircus.com/
Kwanzaa Celebrations
12/26-01/01 across America https://soulofamerica.com/events/kwanzaa-celebrations
Martin Luther King Day of Service
January 19, 2026; Various Dates and Locations; see http://www.mlkday.gov/
Zora Neale Hurston Festival
Jan-Feb, 2026; Eatonville, FL; https://zorafestival.org
Where is the listing of the National Association of Black Social Workers? That is a large and viable organiza. tion that has conferences every year
Thanks for bring that to our attention. NABSW Conference is now included on our Events page.
Thank you for the whole list of all the events that are going to be organized. Now I can manage my work and schedule according to that. Nice work!
The African World Festival in Detroit MI, every August is worth adding to your list This list is a huge help, thanks!!
Hi. Do you allow ads to be placed on your page? If so what are the costs and requirements to do so?
Thank you
See this page for ad prices, https://soulofamerica.com/soulofamerica/paypal/
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Founder Day is not listed under the events January 16, 1920 and the Centennial Is approaching fast… See the National website for more information.
Can we app Circle of Sisters – Sept 7th 2019. Circle of Sisters (COS) is the largest expo for Black Women in New York City. Produced and hosted by WBLS-FM, WLIB–AM, and Emmis Communications, COS offers a variety of empowering panel discussions, informative seminars, and entertaining performances, including a Gospel Explosion concert. More than 200 vendors and small businesses will also be onsite selling unique items and services all day.
Sounds like you should advertise the event. Its cost-effective, see https://soulofamerica.com/soulofamerica/media-kit/
We buy black is one of the best conventions in Atlanta
Hi! I love, love, love this website! I am so happy that I happened upon it. I did however notice that there are no events for Zeta Phi Beta listed. The Founders day celebration is January 16th, 2020 and there are events occurring in in Washington D.C. at Howard University from the 16th to the 19th. 2020 is also the 100th anniversary of the organization. The Centennial Boule is from June 23-28, 2020. zphib2020.com
Both events have been added to our National Calendar. Tell a friend about SoulOfAmerica.com
Is there an African-American themed week for The Hampton?
Not precisely to our our knowledge, but Hampton Jazz Festival is live.
Delta Sigma Theta Inc. Founders Day January 13.
Greetings. I would like to get vendor information. I would like to vend at as many of these events as possible.
My email is tyson_gravity@yahoo.com
Thank you in advance for any information you can provide.
Tyson Gray
You have to contact the event organizer.
Good post but I was wondering if you could write a
litte more on this subject? I’d be very grateful if you could elaborate a little bit further.
For more info, event organizers advertise.
Thanks for sharing this beautifully created national calendar of events of 2020s. Also, I appreciate if you add few lines in every event as summary.
Would like to be notified of events
Thanks for your inquiry. Our fans visit this page at least once a month, https://soulofamerica.com/events/
We’re waiting for more governor announcements on June 15-16 before the next big update to the National Calendar of Events page.
Meli’sa Morgan appearing live at the Birchmere in Alexandria, VA on March 21st. Most notable songs include the remake of Prince’s “Do Me Baby”, and “Do You Still Love Me”. Go to Birchmere.com for more information.
Strong Inspirations youtube channel Where black history lives is hosting “Freedom Quindaro” a black history festival, May 27-29, 2022
Friday party in a barn, fish fry, honoring local Kansas City people
Saturday tours of the historic Quindaro area, Picnic
Sunday church service and brunch
$70 weekend pass early registration
$90 after March 15th
$110 at the door
For more information http://www.businessintheblack.net
Hello dear
I need a sponsor post on your site:https://soulofamerica.com
Let me know each post’s price.
Waiting for your reply.
Thank you
do you have an embedding code or rss feed for your events page. it will be helpful
Jacksonville Jazz Festival. Held annually, over Memorial weekend. FREE!
i will like to be part of this event as african primier art expert.
I’m really excited to hear about the Cincinnati MusicFest for all ages, brought to us by Berrywise Enterprise! It’s fantastic to see an event that caters to music lovers of all generations. Music truly has the power to bring people together, and with a festival like this, it’s a great opportunity for families and friends to bond over their favorite tunes. I can’t wait to see the lineup and the range of musical genres they’ll have. Kudos to Berrywise Enterprise for making music accessible to everyone in Cincinnati!
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