Ebenezer United Methodist Church, Washington DC
Washington DC Churches
Mount Zion United Methodist Church
DESCRIPTION: Founded 1816, it is oldest Black congregation in DC; congregants at Montgomery Street church were dissatisfied with segregated seating, so built their own church; they also purchased 2906 O Street in 1920 for meetings and Washington, DC’s first Black library.
ADDRESS: 1334 29th Street, NW, Washington, DC MAP
PARKING: on street
PHONE: 202-234-0148
WEBSITE: http://www.mtzionumcdc.org
First Baptist Church of Georgetown
DESCRIPTION: Founded 1862 by a former slave Rev. Sandy Alexander; in its formative years the congregation worshiped in a makeshift building at O and 21st Streets; the present building was completed in 1882; many Baptist churches in Washington, DC trace their roots to here.
ADDRESS: 2624 Dumbarton Street NW, Washington, DC MAP
PARKING: on street
PHONE: 202-965-1899
WEBSITE: http://www.firstbaptistgtown.org
Ebenezer United Methodist Church
DESCRIPTION: Founded 1805 by mixed congregation; due to discriminatory practices this Black congregation founded this splinter church in 1838 and finally obtained an Black minister in 1864, Rev. Noah Jones.
ADDRESS: 400 D Street SE, Washington, DC MAP
PARKING: on street
TRANSIT: Capitol South Metro Station
PHONE: 202-544-1415
WEBSITE: http://www.umc.org
Progress For Christ Baptist Church
DESCRIPTION: Called “Pleasant Lane Baptist Church” when former slaves built this church in 1883; it was designed by Washington, DC’s first black architect, Calvin Brent; in 2010, the congregation renamed it Progress For Christ Baptist Church.
ADDRESS: 501 E Street SE, Washington, DC MAP
PARKING: on street
TRANSIT: Eastern Market Metro Station
PHONE: 202-547-8969
WEBSITE: http://www.progressforchrist.org
First Baptist Church
DESCRIPTION: Founded 1873 by Reverend Moses Wilson, Sister Julia Taylor and Brother John Ward met in Sister Taylor’s home; with a congregation of mostly freed slaves, they organized a church where they could practice freedom of religion in Rosslyn, VA; the church moved to this site in 1962.
ADDRESS: 3440 Minnesota Avenue SE, Washington, DC MAP
PARKING: on premises and street
PHONE: 202-581-9100
WEBSITE: http://fbc-dc.org
St. John CME Church
DESCRIPTION: Founded 1875 during reconstruction; a landmark in the community for its outreach programs.
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 7:45a and 11a
ADDRESS: 2801 Stanton Road SE, Washington, DC MAP
PARKING: on street
TRANSIT: Anacostia Metro Station
PHONE: 202-678-7788
WEBSITE: http://www.stjohncmecdc.org
Union Temple Baptist Church
DESCRIPTION: Known for its outreach ministries to seniors, families, young adults and children; also features an mural of Christ depicted as a person of color surrounded by African and African-American heroes and heroines.
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 7:30a and 10:30a
ADDRESS: 1225 W Street SE, Washington, DC MAP
PARKING: on street
TRANSIT: Anacostia Metro Station
PHONE: 202-678-8822
WEBSITE: http://www.uniontemple.com
Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church
DESCRIPTION: Founded 1841 by 1st Black Presbyterian minister in Washington DC, John F. Cook, Sr, a former slave; America’s first African American high school was founded in its basement in 1870 and later became Dunbar High School.
ADDRESS: 1701 15th Street NW, Washington, DC MAP
PARKING: on street
TRANSIT: U Street-Civil War Memorial Metro Station
PHONE: 202-234-0300
WEBSITE: http://www.15thstreetpresbyterianchurch.org
John Wesley AME Zion Church
DESCRIPTION: Founded 1875; still known for outreach ministries to seniors, families, young adults and children
ADDRESS: 1615 14th Street, NW, Washington, DC MAP
PARKING: on street
TRANSIT: U Street-Civil War Memorial Metro Station
PHONE: 202-667-3824
Shiloh Baptist Church
DESCRIPTION: Founded 1862 in a horse stable by 300 people who fled slavery in Fredericksburg, Virginia; many outreach ministries and gospel choirs; Shiloh features a popular Family Life Center for racquetball, saunas, restaurants, conference rooms, designed by Robert Nash.
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 7:45a and 10:45a
ADDRESS: 1510 9th Street, NW, Washington, DC MAP
PARKING: on premises and street
TRANSIT: Shaw-Howard University Metro Station
PHONE: 202-232-4200
WEBSITE: http://www.shilohbaptist.org
St. Augustine’s Catholic Church
DESCRIPTION: Founded 1858 by emancipated slaves; named after the African Bishop of Hippo; later merged with St Paul’s Catholic Church and moved into this towering neogothic structure in 1961.
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 8a, 10a, 12:30a
ADDRESS: 1425 V Street, NW, Washington, DC MAP
PARKING: on street
TRANSIT: Shaw-Howard University Metro Station
PHONE: 202-265-1470
WEBSITE: http://www.saintaugustine-dc.org
Metropolitan Baptist Church
DESCRIPTION: Founded 1864 as Fourth Baptist Church; 5,000 member congregation; Commerce Secretary Ronald Brown’s funeral was held here; choirs that feature traditional and contemporary gospel music; a wide range of community outreach ministries.
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 7:45a and 11a
ADDRESS: 1225 R Street, NW, Washington, DC MAP
PARKING: on premises and street
TRANSIT: Shaw-Howard University Metro Station
PHONE: 202-483-1540
WEBSITE: http://www.metropolitanbaptist.org
Third Baptist Church
DESCRIPTION: Founded in 1858, it is 3rd oldest Black Baptist Church in DC and the oldest Black Baptist building still standing; Rev. Dr. George Bullock, pastor from 1918-1959, was the father-in-law of former Mayor Walter Washington; Mayor Washington also served as a trustee; Rev. Adam Clayton Powell, Sr. was ordained at Third Baptist.
ADDRESS: 1546 5th Street NW, Washington, DC MAP
PARKING: on street
TRANSIT: Mt. Vernon Square-Convention Center Metro Station
PHONE: 202-332-8610
WEBSITE: http://www.thirdbaptistchurch.org
Metropolitan AME Church
DESCRIPTION: Founded 1850 by the merger of Israel AME (1821) and Union Bethel AME (1838); congregants founded the Bethel Literary Society for ex-slaves; Frederick Douglass, Mary McCloud Bethune, Dr Martin Luther King, Jr, Jesse Jackson and nearly every American president has worshiped here; Rosa Parks memorial service was held here.
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 7:30a and 11a
ADDRESS: 1518 M Street NW, Washington, DC MAP
PARKING: on street and nearby garages
TRANSIT: McPherson Square Metro Station
PHONE: 202-546-0807
WEBSITE: http://www.metropolitanamec.org
Asbury United Methodist Church
DESCRIPTION: Founded 1836 by a mixture of 75 black free persons and slaves; later moved to this Neo-Gothic edifice
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 8:30a and 10:30a
ADDRESS: 926 11th Street, NW, Washington, DC MAP
PARKING: on street
TRANSIT: Metro Center Station
PHONE: 202-546-0807
WEBSITE: http://www.asburyumcdc.org
Nineteenth Street Baptist Church
DESCRIPTION: Founded 1839; the last remnants are a marker and old iron fence for oldest Baptist church DC at 19th and I Streets, NW; the church was purchased by Black its members and moved to the current site.
ADDRESS: 4606 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC MAP
PARKING: on street
PHONE: 202-829-2773
WEBSITE: http://www.nsbcdc.org
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
DESCRIPTION: Founded 1827 by 28 African Americans who separated from the Episcopal Church of Epiphany; material to build the church was obtained by dissembling an old church.
ADDRESS: 728 23rd Street NW, Washington, DC MAP
PARKING: on street
TRANSIT: Foggy Bottom-GWU Metro Station
PHONE: 202-333-3985
WEBSITE: http://www.stmarysfoggybottom.org
I like to partition to buy this church right here in Washington DC and I am a Roman Catholic pastor my name is ronette Roselle and also my reference is on the national Washington DC registry and on.org and PDF.