6th Street Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Richmond; (c) Soul Of America
Richmond Heritage Sites
Ebenezer Baptist Church
DESCRIPTION: Founded in 1856, it held the first school for public education of African Americans in Richmond. Hartshorn Memorial College to educate women teachers founded here in 1883, the first African American YMCA was founded here in 1887.
ADDRESS: 216 West Leigh Street, Richmond, VA MAP
PHONE: 804-643-3366
WEBSITE: http://www.ebcrichmond.org
Sixth Mount Zion Baptist Church
DESCRIPTION: This landmark was organized 1867 by the great orator, preacher and former slave, John Jasper. By 1877 it became the city’s largest African American church.
ADDRESS: 114 West Duval Street, Richmond, VA MAP
PHONE: 804-648-3017
WEBSITE: http://www.smzbc.org
Third Street Bethel AME Church
DESCRIPTION: Founded 1857, hosted the Virginia Conference of the AME congregation in 1867 and remodeled in 1875. Along with St. John’s AME in Norfolk, it is considered one of the two most historic AME churches in Virginia.
ADDRESS: 614 North 3rd Street, Richmond, VA MAP
PHONE: 804-643-8157
First African Baptist Church
DESCRIPTION: Built in 1867 this Greek Revival-style building served its congregation until 1955 when the edifice was sold to the Medical College of Virginia.
ADDRESS: 2700 Hanes Street, Richmond, VA MAP
PHONE: 804-329-7279
WEBSITE: http://www.firstafricanbaptist.org

Cedar Street Baptist Church of God
DESCRIPTION: Dr. Benjamin W. Robertson, Sr. built up the city’s largest congregation over 47 years as its pastor for; he also served as President of the Richmond Virginia Seminary; the three level sanctuary is beautiful.
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 7:45a & 10:45a
ADDRESS: 2301 Cedar Street, Richmond, VA MAP
PHONE: 804-648-8919
WEBSITE: http://www.cedarstreetbaptistchurch.com
Mount Hope Baptist
DESCRIPTION: A vibrant community of faith; this spirit filled church also features a solid Deaconess ministry, couple’s ministry and music ministry.
ADDRESS: 10300 Lawyers Road, Richmond, VA MAP
PHONE: 804-541-0921
WEBSITE: http://www.mounthopebaptist.org
Richmond Slavery Reconciliation Statue
DESCRIPTION: Unveiled in 2007, the statue depicts two people melded in an embrace, near the former slave market in Shock Bottom. A linchpin of Richmond’s Slave Trail, the statue is part of a “sister city” project with Liverpool England and Benin, West Africa for their three-way reconciliation for participating in slavery.
ADDRESS: 15th and East Main Streets Plaza, Richmond, VA MAP
PARKING: paid lots nearby
Jackson Ward
DESCRIPTION: During the Reconstruction era, it was known as Little Africa and subsequently the birthplace of African American entrepreneurship. It’s the nation’s largest National Historic Landmark district associated with African American history and culture.
ADDRESS: forty blocks including Leigh, Clay, Duval, Marshall 1st & 2nd Streets, Richmond, VA MAP
PARKING: on street
PHONE: 804-644-4305
Consolidated Bank and Trust Company
DESCRIPTION: Its forerunner was St. Luke Penny Savings Bank founded by Maggie L Walker. Today’s bank was created when three prominent African American banks consolidated in 1930 and 1931: St Luke Penny Savings Bank, Second Street Savings Bank and Commercial Bank and Trust Company. At one time Black Enterprise ranked it the 16th largest African American bank. The building was designed by famed African American architect Charles T Russell.
DAYS & HOURS: Mon-Fri 9a-2p, Fri 4p-6p
ADDRESS: 320 North 1st Street, Richmond, VA MAP
PARKING: on street
PHONE: 804-771-5204
Maggie L. Walker Historic Site
DESCRIPTION: Walker (1867-1934) was born to a former slave and white abolitionist; she expanded the Independent Order of St. Luke Benevolent Burial Society to own a department store, newspaper (she was editor), and a bank in 1903; in the process, she became the first woman in the US to found a bank, St. Luke Penny Savings Bank. She worked with W.E.B. Du Bois on the board of the NAACP and with Mary McLeod Bethune on the board of the National Association of Colored Women. This two-story, 25-room brick row house was her residence from 1904 until her death; wheelchair accessible
DAYS & HOURS: Wed-Sun 9a-5p
ADDRESS: 110 East Leigh Street, Richmond, VA MAP
PARKING: on street
PHONE: 804-771-2017
Elk’s Lodge
DESCRIPTION: Opened in 1905, this 26-room mansion was built for the Rev. WL. Taylor, a leader in the United Order of True Reformers. It was designed by African American architect, J A Lankford. His home was one the largest buildings in Virginia built for an African American; it later became an Elk’s lodge.
ADDRESS: 526 North 2nd Street, Richmond, VA MAP
First Battalion Armory of Virginia Volunteers
DESCRIPTION: Built in 1899, it’s the oldest armory built for African Americans in Virginia and headquartered the city’s first African-American regiment dispatched to the Spanish-American War. For a period after the war in the early 20th century, it was converted into a school.
ADDRESS: 122 West Leigh Street, Richmond, VA MAP
PARKING: on street
William Washington Browne Residence
DESCRIPTION: Browne came to Richmond in 1881 to pastor Leigh Street ME Church and to promote the United Order of True Reformers; although he died in 1897, Browne’s leadership helped increase the Order’s membership which peaked near 120,000 shortly after his death.
ADDRESS: 105 West Jackson Street, Richmond, VA MAP
PARKING: on street
The Trail Of Enslaved Africans
DESCRIPTION: On the nightly tour led by Elegba Folklore Society, participants are roped together as slaves and walk at night (when slaves were brought to Manchester Dock for sale so as not to disturb Southern gentility) along the woods and riverfront of this Slave Trail. The trail runs through historic sites such as Lumpkin Slave Jail and the canal auction houses; there is also a monument to Henry “Box” Brown at the canal, the Reconciliation Statue and the African Slave Burial Ground on the trail.
ADDRESS: Trail starts at Ancarrows Landing, Richmond, VA MAP
Maymont House and Museum
DESCRIPTION: Additional exhibits include the Carriage Collection, the gardens and grounds, the Robins Nature and Visitor’s Center, Virginia Wildlife Exhibits and Children’s Farm. Group tours are available by reservation. On the list of National Historic Places. See the story of the Walker Family domestic servants at Maymont House.
ADMISSION: $5; Guided tours on the hour and half-hour; the last tour begins at 4:30 pm
DAYS & HOURS: Tue-Sun Noon-5p
ADDRESS: 1700 Hampton Street, Richmond, VA MAP
PARKING: on site
PHONE: 804-358-7166 x329
WEBSITE: http://www.maymont.org
New Market Heights Battlefield
DESCRIPTION: The famous Civil War battle fought and won primarily by Black soldiers occurred here in 1864; in fact the most Black soldiers awarded a Congressional Medal of Honor for valor, was earned here. Now that’s Glory!
ADDRESS: between I-295, New Market Road, Kingsland Road & Buffin Road, New Market Heights, VA MAP
PARKING: on premises
Randolph Museum
DESCRIPTION: Virginia E Randolph (1874-1958) worked 57 years as an educator and humanitarian. She conducted the first Arbor Day program in Virginia in 1908, planting 12 Sycamore trees onsite in honor of the 12 disciples. She is buried on the site, a State Historic Landmark since 1970.
DAYS & HOURS Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat 1p-4p, Sun 3-5p
ADDRESS: 2200 Mountain Road, Glen Allen, VA MAP
PARKING: on premises
PHONE: 804-261-5029