Oakland Cultural Sites

African American Museum & Library of Oakland

Oakland Cultural Sites

African American Museum & Library of Oakland
DESCRIPTION: Founded in 1965, the museum is dedicated to discover, preserve, interpret and share the historical and cultural experiences of African Americans in California and the West for present and future generations. It features 160 collections in the archives of prominent families, pioneers, churches, social, political organizations and newspapers are available on microfilm; AAMLO’s oral history collection researchers help you listen to interviews with local civil rights activists, educators, writers, and musicians. The venue is also home to the Eternal Voices video library containing more than 80 years of African American East Bay history. Check the website for calendar of lectures by nationally recognized authors.
DAYS & HOURS: Tue-Sat Noon-5:30p
ADDRESS: 659 14th Street, Oakland, CA MAP
RAPID TRANSIT: BART 12th Street/City Center Station
PARKING: across the street in City Center garage
PHONE: 510-637-0200
WEBSITE: http://www.oaklandlibrary.org/AAMLO

Malonga Casquelourd Center for the Arts
DESCRIPTION: This restored beaux arts building is home to a multi-cultural performing arts complex. It includes a 400-seat theater and five smaller performance spaces that showcase Afrocentric drama, plus African and contemporary dance. You can learn African, Caribbean and Brazilian dances from resident companies such as Xalt, Dimensions Dance Theater, Moving On Center, and DiamonoCoura.
ADMISSION: varies depending on event
DAYS & HOURS: varies depending on event
ADDRESS: 1428 Alice Street, Oakland, CA MAP
RAPID TRANSIT: BART 12th Street/Center Station
PARKING: on street and lots nearby
PHONE: 510-238-7219
WEBSITE: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Performance-Art-Theatre/The-Malonga-Casquelourd-Center-for-The-Arts-138463622858210/

Museum of African American Technology Science Village
DESCRIPTION: MAAT features small, but captivating exhibits that promote science education and awareness to youth and adults using principles of Ma’at. The Science Village is involved in the collaborative effort with the Department of Energy, National Laboratories of Berkeley, Pacific Gas & Electric, and various photovoltaic equipment manufacturers to address the critical issues surrounding electric energy in California. There are also exhibits for National Academy of Engineers, and Sciences , inductees of National Inventor Hall of Fame, National Medalists of Science and National Medalist of Innovation and Technology.
ADMISSION: donations accepted
DAYS & HOURS: Sat 12-6p, Sun 2-6p, but call before visiting
ADDRESS: 722 Chester Street, Oakland, CA MAP
PARKING: on street
PHONE: 510-893-6426
WEBSITE: https://ncalifblackengineers.org/maat-science-village/

The Albany Bulb
DESCRIPTION: George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Sandra Bland and the many others who were murdered by police are given honor in this little-known park a few miles from Oakland.  A team of artists painted their portraits on large slabs of concrete in view of the Golden Gate Bridge across the San Francisco Bay.

The Love the Bulb nonprofit has helped steward the park, a former construction site, and protect its creative spirit.  The portrait artists are: Nakari Syon, Michon Sanders, Carol Newborg, April Beall, Susan Moffat (curator) and the Rich City Rides.  The others memorialized here so far include Natasha McKenna, Renisha McBride, Atatiana Jefferson, Steven Taylor, Philando Castile and Oakland resident Oscar Grant. 

DAYS & HOURS: 5 am to 10 pm

ADDRESS: 1 Buchanan St, Albany, CA 94706

PARKING: on street and lots nearby

WEBSITE: www.albanybulb.org

YouTube video

Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation
DESCRIPTION: Commemorates achievements of the Black Panther Party of Self-Defense’s role in the Civil Rights Movement beginning in 1966. The Panthers’ legacy includes monitoring, protesting in an organized manner, and reducing police brutality; broadening their organizational skills, the Panthers initiated free breakfast for children and free medical service programs in the 1960’s that have been copied nationwide. Knowing that fundamental change had to occur in the public infrastructure, the Panthers engineered the largest voter turnout in Oakland history to elect the city’s first African American mayor, Lionel Wilson, and other public officials. Unlike several misrepresentations by Hoover’s FBI and the mass media, the Panthers never had a mission or objectives to increase white hatred. Quite the opposite, they welcomed members of all races who supported efforts to uplift love, well-being and justice of Black people. As such, all Americans can celebrate the Panthers contribution towards increased respect and understanding between races.
ADMISSION: donations welcome
DAYS & HOURS: appt only
ADDRESS: 1442A Walnut Street, Suite 112, Berkeley, CA MAP
PARKING: on street
PHONE: none
WEBSITE: https://hueypnewtonfoundation.org

Black Repertory Group
DESCRIPTION: It was founded in 1964 by Nora Vaughn as a Drama Program for Downs Memorial United Methodist Church. In 1967, success allowed the Black Repertory Group to broaden it’s scope of plays and separate from the church. In 1987, the permanent home of the Black Repertory Group was opened. Today, one sees plays by Langston Hughes, August Wilson and other major playwrights. Bay Area celebrity actors frequently perform as well.
BOX OFFICE: event-driven
ADDRESS: 3201 Adeline Street, Berkeley, CA MAP
PARKING: on street
PHONE: 510-652-2120
WEBSITE: http://www.blackrepertorygroup.com


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