Miles College, Kappa land
Birmingham Cultural Sites
Birmingham Civil Rights Institute
Kelly-Ingram Park
DESCRIPTION: Pace Freedom Walk in the park slowly to digest the gravity, sacrifices and triumph as Civil Rights Movement theory met harsh reality at this National Historic site. Bronzed sculptures of police attacking civil rights protesters with a Billy-club, police dogs attacking civil rights marchers, children jailed for Civil Rights marching, and three ministers praying for justice capture a truthful snapshot of the madness of Jim Crow in the 1960s. It sends a visceral reminder to generations to come that America must never return to those days of discrimination against any group of people. A statue of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and four paths along Freedom Walk converge towards a center inscription with calming words of hope.
DAYS & HOURS: daily dawn to dusk
ADDRESS: bounded by 16th Street, 17th Street and 5th Ave, and 6th Ave, Birmingham, AL MAP
Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame
DESCRIPTION: Fittingly based in the historic Carver Center for the Performing Arts, Birmingham’s citizens and civic leaders deserve ‘props for this noteworthy contextual reuse of a Chitlin’ Circuit theater. This is noteworthy because most Chitlin’ Circuit theaters around the nation have be “redeveloped” out of existence; the concert theatre features a number of contemporary shows. Carver Center is under renovation.
ADMISSION: small fee for museum; concert prices are separate
DAYS & HOURS: Tue-Sat 10a-5p, Sun 1p-5p
ADDRESS: Fourth Ave and 17th Street, North, Birmingham, AL MAP
PHONE: 205-254-2731
WEBSITE: http://www.jazzhall.com
Historic Fourth Avenue Visitor Center
DESCRIPTION: Tours, photographs and a slide presentation tell stories of the Fourth Avenue district: a commercial, social and cultural center for African-Americans since the early years of the 20th century.
ADMISSION: Free, donations requested
DAYS & HOURS: Monday-Friday, 9a-4:30p
ADDRESS: 319 17th Street North, Birmingham, AL MAP
PHONE: 205-328-1850
WEBSITE: http://www.urbanimpactbirmingham.org
Eddie Kendricks & The Temptations Memorial
DESCRIPTION: Located in Memorial Park, this remarkable monument to the man with the golden tenor and the Tempting Temptations, by artist Ron McDowell. Perhaps no song ever captured the smooth delivery of Eddie (1940-1992) as the perfectly as his vocal signature piece, Just My Imagination, hailed by music critics as one of the best R&B songs of all-time.
DAYS & HOURS: daily dawn to dusk
ADDRESS: Fourth Ave, North at 18th Street, Birmingham, AL MAP