Bomba dancer performing in Puerto Rico

Festive dancer performing the Bomba in Puerto Rico; credit ourlittlelifestyleblog IG

San Juan Cultural Sites

Museo de Nuestra Raíz Africana
The African Heritage Museum of Puerto Rico.
San José Plaza, Calle San Sebastián
PHONE: 787-724-4294 or 787-724-4184

Butterfly People
A family-run entity begun in 1970, Butterfly People invites you to enjoy their spectacular Butterfly Art Gallery displays in the heart of Old San Juan. Here, the beautiful exotic butterflies of the world are captured mid-flight in a variety of wonderful displays, decorative items, custom murals, and more.
ADDRESS: 152 Calle Fortaleza
PHONE: 787-723-2432

Museo Casa Blanca
Casa Blanca Museum
ADDRESS: 1 Calle San Sebastián
PHONE: 787-725-1454

Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico Museum of Art
PHONE: 300 De Diego Ave
PHONE: 787-977-6277

Museo del Indio de Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico Indian Museum
PHONE: end of Calle Norzagary, in the former Beneficiencia Building
PHONE: 787-724-0700

Museo del Niño
Children’s Museum
ADDRESS: 150 Calle Cristo
PHONE: 787-722-3791

Museo de San Juan
San Juan Museum
PHONE: 150 Calle Norzagaray
PHONE: 787-724-1875 or 787-723-4317

Museo La Casa del Libro
La Casa del Libro Museum
PHONE: 255 Calle Cristo
PHONE: 787-723-0354

Museo Las Américas
Las Américas Museum
ADDRESS: end of Calle Norzagaray in the former Cuartel de Ballajá Bldg, 2nd floor
PHONE: 787-724-5052

Museo Pablo Casals
Pablo Casals Museum
ADDRESS: 101 Calle San Sebastián Street at the corner of Calle Cristo (San José Plaza)
PHONE: 787-723-9185

Capilla de Cristo
Christ Chapel; Conflicting stories account for the existence of this small chapel built in 1753, but young men once raced horses down the hill as part of the San Juan Bautista festivities. In one version a horse and rider went over the wall to their death but a witness cried out to Christ to save him and he miraculously survived. In the other version, he perished. In any case, it became a center of devotion where the faithful left offerings of gold and silver. The offerings were molded into an elaborate altar, picture frame, candelabras and other religious objects that are now on display. A special mass to honor Santa Cristo de la Salud is celebrated at the chapel on the first Sunday of august and special masses are held during Holy Week.
ADDRESS: extreme south end of Calle Cristo
PHONE: 787-722-0861

Catedral de San Juan
San Juan Cathedral; first church on the island and the oldest church in the western hemisphere, Catedral de San Juan was built in 1540; legend has it that the original building was blown away in a hurricane and the current structure dates from the 1800s. The cathedral contains the marble tomb of Ponce de Leon, the island’s first governor, and the relic of San Pio, a Roman martyr.
ADDRESS: Calle de Cristo, just north of Calle San Francisco
PHONE: 787-722-0861

Iglesia San José
San José Church; built in the 1530s, San José Church began life as a Dominican monastery chapel dedicated to Saint Thomas Aquinas, and the Jesuits who took over in 1865 renamed it. Ponce de Leon, Puerto Rico’s first governor, donated the wooden 16th century crucifix, his coat of arms marks a wall, and his statue, cast from the bronze of cannons captured from the British in 1797, stands in the middle of a little plaza in front of the church. He was originally laid to rest here but his remains were later moved to Catedral de San Juan (San Juan Cathedral).
ADDRESS: Calle Morovis is located between Calle Norzagaray and Calle San Sebastián in San Juan


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