Madrid, Black Travel

After a brief shopping stint in central Madrid, she’s waiting for her ride


Madrid has all the qualities of great European cities: grand shopping, gourmet restaurants, notable museums, bold architecture, spacious plazas, good Metro Rail, plus a distinctive dance culture.

Centuries ago, the Moors ran this land before Spain emerged as a global colonial power.

Old Madrid
With its diversity of architectural styles, it has been called the “City of a Thousand Faces.”

See why Reina Sofía Museum, Thyssen-Bonemisza Museum, and the Prado Museum are world-renowned.

Shopping & Dining
The beloved Gran Via is the most compelling shopping & dining destination in Madrid.

Travel Tips
Major holidays include Dos de Mayo, San Isidro, and Fiesta of the Virgin of La Paloma.

Pamplona, Running of the Bulls
See this brother’s story at the San Fermin Festival in the otherwise sleepy town of Pamplona.

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In many ways, Madrid is a city of contrasts. On the one hand, it is a city of immense energy, constantly growing and sizzling with life. On the other hand, it offers an array of large and small city parks, quiet places, and artistic venues where you can relax and let the scenery unfold at your own pace. In short, it merits the title of being one of Europe’s most exciting capital cities.


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