I-95 in Miami is a typical example of why highway widening beyond 4 lanes each side does not solve highway congestion; source B137/Wiki Commons
Interstate High Speed Rail Alternatives
Interstate High Speed Rail Alternatives exist. But make no mistake, excessive highway lanes and regional flights are not the answer. To divert millions of commuters and travelers from congested highways and regional flights over to electric-powered High-Speed Rail (HSR), Regional Rail, and Rapid Transit, America must generate and efficiently transmit more electricity.
If you’d like to know more about the symbiotic relationship between HSR, Regional Rail, Rapid Transit, and the Electric Energy sector, visit Interstate High-Speed Rail Energy Sources.
More Efficient, Longer Distance Aviation Is Good But …
Most oil used by airlines is consumed by the worst polluting and least fuel-efficient segment of the Transportation sector — regional flights that travel under 550 miles overland. According to the Regional Airline Association, regional airlines in the U.S. account for 41% of commercial flights.
In America, most regional flights have the same crew string together a series of 150-550-mile flights plus a long flight that combines up to 3500-4000 miles per shift. Those 150-550 mile flights only achieve 5-25 minutes at fuel-efficient cruising altitude and generate the 2nd most Greenhouse Gases (GHG) and smog per mile from Transportation, just behind freight trucks.
Jet fuel is the largest operating cost of airlines, followed by labor costs. Airlines typically burn 15-20% of fuel at take-off and landing. When jets are parked on the ground they generate costs, not revenue.
If a major airline of Boeing or Airbus jets only strung together 150-500 mile flights, it would burn more fuel & labor cost per mile, and lose money.
Aware of that math, airlines are cutting short flights and increasing ticket prices of remaining short flights to offset higher fuel & labor costs per mile. Since airlines make more profit the longer jets are airborne, 550+ mile flights better fit their business models.

New Boeing and Airbus midsize and large jets are 22% more fuel-efficient for lower GHG and smog emissions per mile. To reduce nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide emissions aircraft manufacturers and airlines are making large R&D investments to make Sustainable Aviation Fuel the dominant form of jet fuel by 2030 or so.
Airlines look forward to the completion of the NextGen Air Traffic Control this decade expected to shorten flight times with quicker takeoffs and landings. For example, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) projects that NYC-LA flight time will be reduced by 30 minutes, thereby cutting GHG & Smog emissions each flight. 7 of the 10 busiest flights in America are slated to receive 7-30 minute flight time reductions.
In 2024, the economy, population growth, air travel, and intercity highway travel rebounded from the pandemic. More travelers are driving to airports increasing highway congestion in our large metro areas. GHG and smog emissions are increasing again.
Electric Vehicles Will Cut Air Pollutants, Not Highway Congestion
To reduce GHG & smog emissions and drive Risky Oil consumption in the U.S. Transportation sector below 10% by 2050, we have to ramp up Electric Vehicle (EV) sales. In 2021, U.S. automakers advanced towards that goal by committing to 40-50% EV sales in 2030. California will stop selling oil-powered cars and small trucks by 2035. With volume ramp-up, EVs from more manufacturers are becoming more affordable.
EVs currently have a 260-405-mile fully-charged driving range. Mileage-per-charge reduces when you crank up the air conditioner or gun the accelerator.

Tesla introduced thousands of Supercharger Stations across America that give a 175-mile range boost in 15 minutes. Engineering advancements by 2026 should make most new EVs capable of a 400-mile range. Batteries will recharge faster too. By 2035, more conversions to EVs should lower roadway smog and GHG emissions.
The popularity of EVs also brings bad news. First, EVs greatly increase battery demand and the need to mine rare minerals to make them. Substantially increased mining activity emits more GHG into the atmosphere. If America is not careful, we could also become reliant on battery materials from a country in conflict with our values.
Second, EVs will not solve highway congestion. Estimates indicated that 76% of pre-pandemic commuters were solo drivers. National Vehicle Miles Traveled also increased after 2015 end of the Great Recession enabling more people to get jobs and buy cars.
About 60 million Americans will be added to our population between 2020 and 2050. More of them will buy cars & small trucks and drive more miles each vehicle per year. As solo driving increases and more freight trucks use highways for product distribution, highway congestion increases.
One of the biggest hoaxes foisted on commuters is that more highway lanes reduce traffic congestion. Believing that hoax, too many politicians and citizens fall for the false promise of “Highway Widening for Congestion Relief.” We can’t undo the many 10-20 lane freeways in existence, but if we continue adding lanes, 12-26 lane highways will create even more frequent traffic jams. We already have the proof in Los Angeles, San Francisco Bay Area, Miami, Dallas, Houston, Washington, and Atlanta.
Excessive highway widening does NOT solve traffic congestion. Queuing mathematics proves that average speed decreases because more autos traveling at different speeds and changing lanes increases erratic driver behavior, reducing average freeway speed.
Queuing math proves that the most passenger capacity efficient freeways have only 2 lanes per side. Passenger capacity efficiency drops slightly with 3 lanes per side due to lane changing but adds significant passenger capacity. A 4-lane-per-side freeway only carries about 65% more passenger capacity than a 2-lane-per-side freeway. That passenger capacity slightly increases by making the 4th lane HOV.
Beyond 3 standard lanes + 1 HOV lane per side, passenger capacity efficiency goes downhill quickly. More drivers convert from boulevards because they falsely believe that the 5th lane per side added 20-25% more capacity. Instead, there are more vehicles changing lanes and traveling at different speeds which produces slower speeds, longer trip times, and more accidents during Rush-Hour. Longer Rush Hour also produces higher GHG and smog emissions.
A wise highway engineer summarized the conundrum perfectly. Widening highways to solve traffic congestion is like loosening your belt to treat obesity.
Intercity Buses Increase Mobility Options, With Limitations
Intercity Buses do not have the speed, capacity, frequency, and zero emissions of electric-powered Passenger Rail. They also get stuck in highway congestion. But many proof points in Europe demonstrate how Intercity Buses complement HSR and Regional Rail for 25-200 mile travel.

Europe’s HSR & Regional Rail dominate many corridors with time-saving travel and affordable fares. Intercity Bus Operators similar to Greyhound, Flixbus, and MegaBus have adapted. Meeting outside train stations with vehicles that have AC, WiFi, and restrooms, Europe’s Intercity Buses offer rock-bottom fares in many corridors. A healthy slice of the travel market appreciates that.
Similar to LuxBus in America, some European Intercity Bus Operators have gone upscale with very comfortable seats and cushy suspensions. Those are best for luxury group charters to museums, performing art centers, heritage sites, and national parks.
Intercity Buses and many freight trucks in America are switching to Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) to modestly lower smog & GHG emissions. But in Europe, Intercity Buses and freight trucks are switching to Biofuels to significantly cut smog & GHG emissions — 55% by 2030.
By 2040, the European Union anticipates zero-emission hydrogen fuel cells being ready for prime time. By regulation, they plan on making hydrogen-powered buses and freight trucks commonplace in Europe by 2050.
Part 5 focuses on electric Rapid Transit to mitigate urban highway congestion and cut Smog & GHG emissions.