Interstate High Speed Rail Las Vegas-LA

Interstate High Speed Rail Las Vegas-SoCal

Los Angeles to Las Vegas High-Speed Rail (HSR) has been a vision for decades. Today, journeys between that city pair have grown to a 5-hour drive or 3.5-hour Total Air Travel Time. The 19-million population Los Angeles Consolidated Metro Area consisting of 5 counties is the largest source of visitors to Las Vegas. A private passenger train company snagged a federal grant and is finally building it in stages — Thomas Dorsey, Soul Of America

In its Las Vegas-Southern California HSR project, Brightline West has raised $8 billion in private funds from a combination of $4 billion in venture capital, $3.2 billion in California tax-exempt bonds, and $800 million in Nevada tax-exempt bonds.

That sum is enough to acquire property south of the Las Vegas Strip across from Las Vegas South Premium Outlets, acquire 284 acres in Victorville, California next to Interstate 15 Freeway, and build 218 miles of HSR in the Las Vegas-Victorville-Rancho Cucamonga corridor.

For additional return on investment, Brightline West will build mixed-use developments at their Las Vegas and California station properties similar to Brightline Florida’s mixed-use development at Miami Station.

Brightline West in Las Vegas-Victor Valley-Rancho Cucamonga Corridor

The initial market for Brightline West is San Bernardino County, Riverside County, and eastern Los Angeles County residents who commonly drive to Sin City, should have a good alternative by 2029.

California HSR System by Environmental Clearance & Construction Segment

Brightline West & California HSR Systems by Environmental Clearance & Construction Segment; source HSR Alliance

In December 2023, Brightline West was granted $3 billion in USDOT funds to extend from Victor Valley to Rancho Cucamonga. Construction broke ground in April 2024. Most of it will be built in the I-15 Highway median and go through a steep Cajon Pass without a tunnel to Rancho Cucamonga in San Bernardino County.

A new Brightline Rancho Cucamonga Station will connect Brightline West to Metrolink San Bernardino Line commuter rail running 41 miles west to Los Angeles Union Station and several miles east to Metrolink San Bernardino Station. Brightline will most likely develop the land around for profitable retail and residential activity.

Though Brightline West says its trains would travel up to 140 mph through Cajon Pass from Victor Valley to Rancho Cucamonga, passenger trains will likely slow to 90 mph in the 4-6% grade of I-15 Freeway in Cajon Pass for 23 miles between Hesperia and the Fontana I-15 and I-210 Freeway Interchange.

The Fontana freeway interchange is only 5 miles from Rancho Cucamonga Station. Since land flattens after the freeway interchange, trains may increase to 100 mph in the I-15 Freeway median, then slow again to enter the last mile on Metrolink San Bernardino Line tracks to Rancho Cucamonga Station.

YouTube video

Brightline West has the benefit of using mostly freeway median Rights-of-Way, acquiring some adjacent property, engineering design and construction planning for several years. The project started construction in April 2024, it will require at least 4 years of construction. Given it will also require 6-12 months of systems testing for public utility certification I would be surprised if it opens before 2029. Nevertheless, I am cheering for Brightline West to finish before the August 2028 start of the Los Angeles Summer Olympics.

I’m excited that high-speed trains will rip through desert terrain at 185-200 mph to connect Las Vegas and Rancho Cucamonga in a satisfying 2 hours and 15 minutes. That will be a game changer that lets drivers enjoy desert scenery along the way.

Brightline West, Later in Victor Valley-Palmdale-Burbank Airport-Los Angeles Corridor

The Brightline West commitment to build the Las Vegas-Victor Valley segment also sparked interest by Metrolink, California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA), City of Palmdale, California HSR Authority, and LA Metro for an eventual Las Vegas-Victor Valley-Palmdale-Burbank Airport-Los Angeles Union Station service.

Opening HSR from Victor Valley to Palmdale sooner will also increase public demand to build California HSR Palmdale-Burbank Airport-Los Angeles Union Station-Anaheim segment. When those combined HSR segments are built, Brightline West will attract 2-3 times more riders from the rest of Los Angeles County, Ventura County, and Orange County within the Los Angeles Consolidated Metro Area. Equally important, they will demonstrate Public-Private Partnership as viable approach to build our Interstate HSR System.

YouTube video

Metrolink also wants to extend its commuter rail service from Palmdale to Victor Valley on the same track. Planning is underway to replace Metrolink Palmdale Station with a larger California HSR Palmdale Transportation Center nearby.

Thousands more daily riders from Santa Clarita and north San Fernando Valley would ride Metrolink or drive 25 miles to Palmdale, then transfer to Brightline West for a 233-mile ride to Las Vegas. Their 30-60 minute drive to Palmdale combined with a sub-2-hour train ride to Las Vegas is still shorter than Total Air Travel Time or a long drive to Las Vegas.

Brightline West complements the CalSTA goal for more electric-powered HSR mileage to reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Smog before 2040 by replacing most regional flights from 5 LA Metro Area airports, and many intercity drives to Las Vegas.

Don’t be surprised if Brightline West creates a party train service to Las Vegas — especially for Raider football fans. For more insights on the challenges and progress of California HSR and its relationship to Brightline West, visit the links below.




4 replies
  1. Thomas Carey says:

    I am retired, having an interest in trains but without the usual time to spend in this ‘fantasy’. Now am able to work in this area.
    Now likely that Virgin Trains will be rolling into Las Vegas, I’m working on ‘designing’ the locations, purpose, advantages, and many other objects to entice others, but primarily Virgin Trains to see what I have in mind.
    My work is primarily bound to extend the LV Virgin Trains into Utah, where there is huge opportunity.
    Let’s get this going and see what can happen.
    Tom Carey

  2. careyt39 says:

    I have recently published a 100 page paper concerning the very strong population growth in Utah. I have been interested in trains used for public transportation all my life. Utah needs a high-speed trains for people because often they need a way to go back and forth in the State.
    Utah is unique because of its dominant North-South transportation routes, namely Interstate-15.

    I believe High-Speed trains are needed in Utah !!!

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